



With its riveting footage of a secretive “underground railroad,” SEOUL TRAIN is the gripping documentary exposé into the life and death of North Koreans as they try to escape their homeland and China.

SEOUL TRAIN also delves into the complex geopolitics behind this growing and potentially explosive humanitarian crisis. By combining vérité footage, personal stories and interviews with experts and government officials, SEOUL TRAIN depicts the flouting of international laws by major countries, the inaction and bureaucracy of the United Nations, and the heroics of activists that put themselves in harm’s way to save the refugees.

Today, there are an estimated 250,000 North Korean refugees living underground in China. They escaped a food crisis and other persecutions at home that have claimed the lives of approximately 3 million in the past 10 years. As the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) stands idly by, the Chinese Government — in direct violation of international laws to which it’s a party — systematically arrests and forcibly repatriates hundreds of these refugees each month. Defecting from North Korea is a capital offense, and repatriated refugees face human rights abuses ranging from concentration camps and torture to forced abortion and summary executions.

For a lucky few refugees, however, there is hope. A group of multinational activists has taken it upon themselves to create an Underground Railroad. Via a network of safe houses and escape routes, the activists — at great personal risk — help the refugees on daring escapes to freedom over hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of miles of Chinese territory. This is an odyssey where betrayal and deceit lurk around every corner, and the price of getting caught likely means death. It’s an epic tale involving years on the lam living in underground shelters, North Korean and Chinese agents, double-crossings, covert border crossings, and the terror of what happens if they get caught.

In order to capture the essence and urgency of the current crisis, the stories of several refugee groups are told through actual footage. We follow these refugees from their arrival in China — before they begin their escape attempts — as they recount the horror they left behind. We also hear their fears of being caught and sent back to North Korea, where they know their doomed fate. We watch as they make their respective escape attempts and, in dramatic conclusion, we see the outcomes: some make it to freedom; others, including an 8-1/2 month pregnant Nam Chun-mi, get caught by the Chinese and are sent to their demise.

As if the current problem was not bad enough, estimates are that upon the fall of Kim Jong-il’s regime, 2-3 million refugees will flood into China across the shallow Tumen and Yalu Rivers that divide the two countries. (Note: Aside from a short Russian border, China’s is the only navigable border from North Korea, since the DMZ forms an impenetrable border with South Korea.) If China, UNHCR, and the international community aren’t prepared for this, it could shape into one of the worst humanitarian crises ever. And given that Pyongyang is in US crosshairs, many expect that regime-change is only a question of when, not if.

In SEOUL TRAIN, we meet the activists on the front line, learn of the risks they take for their refugees and for themselves, and see firsthand the toll their work takes on them. We also hear from the Chinese Government, who articulates its country’s claims as to why the North Koreans are not refugees; from the UNHCR as to why it has failed to save even one North Korean refugee; from Sen. Sam Brownback, who has publicly challenged both the PRC and UNHCR; and from other experts (academics and NGOs) on the crisis at hand and as they foretell the impending disaster.




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今天,估計有25萬朝鮮難民居住在中國的地下。他們逃到一個糧食危機和其他迫害在家裡的生活已造成約 300萬,在過去 10年。作為聯合國難民事務高級專員(難民專員辦事處)袖手旁觀,對中國政府 - 直接違反了國際法律,它的一黨 - 系統地逮捕和強行遣返這些難民的數百每月。從朝鮮叛逃是死罪,並遣返難民面臨侵犯人權的行為,從集中營裡被強迫墮胎和酷刑和處決。

對於少數幸運的難民,但是,有希望。 A組的跨國活動已經是給自己創造一個地下鐵路。通過網絡安全的房屋和逃生通道,積極分子 - 在巨大的個人風險 - 幫助難民逃離自由大膽數百(有時計)英里的中國領土。這是奧德賽在背叛和欺騙潛伏在每個角落,價格被抓到可能就意味著死亡。這是一個史詩故事,涉及年的林住在地下庇護所,北朝鮮和中國的代理,雙通道,秘密邊境口岸,並會發生什麼恐怖的,如果他們被抓住。

為了抓住本質和緊迫性的當前的危機,一些難民群體的故事告訴通過實際的畫面。我們遵循這些難民從他們到達中國 - 他們逃跑前,他們開始嘗試 - 因為他們講述他們留下的恐怖。我們也聽到他們的恐懼被捕獲並送回朝鮮,在那裡他們知道自己注定的命運。我們看著他們使各自的企圖逃跑,並在戲劇性的最後,我們看到的成果:一些使自由,其他人,包括1 8-1/2懷孕一個月南春美,陷入了中國和發送他們的滅亡。

由於目前的問題是,如果不壞的話,估計是,在今年秋季的金正日政權,2-3萬難民將湧入中國跨越鴨綠江和圖們的淺水河流那些分裂的兩個國家。 (注:除了短期俄羅斯邊境,中國的通航是唯一來自北朝鮮的邊境,由於邊境非軍事區形成一個堅不可摧的韓國。)如中國,難民署和國際社會都沒有為此做好了準備,它可能塑造成一個最嚴重的人道主義危機不斷。並鑑於平壤在美國的目標,許多人預計該制度,改變的只是一個問題的時候,沒有如果。
